Kian Tajbakhsh on Homesickness
In an interview with the We Refugees Archive Team, Iranian Political Exilee and Coordinator of the Committee on Forced Migration at Columbia University Kian…
Camera, editing and sound design: Miriam Ophra
Translation: Miriam Chorley-Schulz
Music: “Balloons don’t always fly” by Patterns in plastic (Creative Commons license BY NC SA)
Additional footage:
“Luna Park in Coney Island SlingShot” by Zona De Libe” (Creative Commons license BY)
“Coney Island Boardwalk” by John Coghlan (creative commons license BY NC SA)
“Coney Island street photography POV” by Ludwig Favre (creative commons license BY)
Special thanks to: Barbara Khan
Barbara Khan was born in Pakistan. She came to New York City in the 1990s on a tourist visa and applied for asylum based on her sexual orientation. She is a South Asian LGBTQ+ activist and has been a trans New Yorker since fleeing to the United States.