Deprivation of Fritz Neumark’s professorship, 1 September 1933

Official letter from the Prussian Minister for Science, Art and National Education, dated September 1, 1933, to Fritz Neumark concerning his withdrawal from teaching at the Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences at the University of Frankfurt due to the “Law for the Restoration of the Professional Civil Service”.

Abschrift von beglaubigter Abschrift


Der Preußische Minister für Wissenschaft, Kunst und Volksbildung
U I Nr. 22885

Berlin, den 1. September 1933
W 8 Unter den Linden 4
Fernsprecher: A l Jäger 0030
Postcheckkonto: Berlin14402
-Postfach- Bürokasse d. Pr. M. f. W. K. u. V.


Auf Grund von § 3 des Gesetzes zur Wiederherstellung des Berufsbeamtentums vom 7. April 1933 entziehe ich Ihnen hiermit die Lehrbefugnis an der Universität Frankfurt a.M.
Berlin, den 1. September 1933.


Der Preußische Minister für Wissenschaft, Kunst und Volksbildung
In Vertretung
gez. Stuckart.

An den nichtbeamteten außerordentlichen Professor Herrn Dr. Fritz Neumark in Frankfurt a.M.-Niederrad, Kalmitstr. 20 Gegen  Postzustellungsurkunde.
U I Nr. 22885


Abschrift zur Kenntnisnahme.

An die Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaftliche Fakultät der Universität in Frankfurt a.M.
In Vertretung gez. Stuckart.

-unmittelbar- (Siegel)                                                              Beglaubigt.
Preußisches Ministerium                                                        Spitznagel
für Wissenschaft Kunst und Volksbildung                             Ministerial-Kanzleisekretär

Certified copy of transcript

The Prussian Minister for Science, Art and National Education
U I No. 22885

Berlin, 1 September 1933
W 8 Unter den Linden 4
Telephone: A l Jäger 0030
Postal cheque account: Berlin14402
Reichsbank giro account
-Post office box- Bürokasse d. Pr. M. f. W. K. u. V.

On the basis of § 3 of the Law for the Restoration of the Professional Civil Service of 7 April 1933, I hereby revoke your authorisation to teach at the University of Frankfurt a.M.
Berlin, 1 September 1933.


The Prussian Minister for Science, Art and National Education
By proxy
signed. Stuckart.

To the non-civil servant associate professor Dr Fritz Neumark in Frankfurt a.M.-Niederrad, Kalmitstr. 20 Against postal delivery certificate.
U I No. 22885

Copy for your information.

To the Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences of the University of Frankfurt a.M.
By proxy signed. Stuckart.

-immediate- (seal) Certified.
Prussian Ministry Spitznagel
for Science, Art and National Education Ministerial Chancellery Secretary

Fritz Neumark was a renowned financial scientist at the Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences at the University of Frankfurt.  Due to his Jewish origin, he was deprived of his teaching position by the Law for the Restoration of the Professional Civil Service on September 1 and emigrated to Turkey. He became a professor at the University of Istanbul. In 1952 he returned to the University of Frankfurt as a professor.

Letter to Fritz Neumark about his expatriation from the National Socialist German Reich © Deutsche Nationalbibliothek, Deutsches Exilarchiv 1933-1945, Frankfurt am Main, Reproduction from the Neumark Collection, EB 91/155 II.A.005.