Questionnaire from the German Consulate General in Istanbul to Fritz Neumark, May 1938

During his exile in Istanbul, Fritz Neumark received a questionnaire from the German Consulate General in Istanbul reflecting Nazi racial policies. Whether he filled it out with his racist, anti-Semitic questions and returned it to the Consulate General has not been clarified.

Deutsches Generalkonsulat
-KB 329/38-

Istanbul, den 30. Mai 1938.

Auf Wunsch des Auswärtigen Amts werden Sie gebeten, den von Ihnen seinerzeit ausgefüllten Fragebogen nach folgenden Punkten zu ergänzen:

1) Tag des Vertragsbeginngs:


2) Sind Sie Arier oder nicht ?


3) Sind Sie nichtarisch versippt?


4) Ist Ihre Ehefrau arisch oder nichtarisch?


5) Ist Ihre Ehefrau nichtarisch versippt?


6. Sind Sie in Verbindung mit dem Gesetz zur Wiederherstellung des Berufsbeamtentums in den Ruhestand versetzt worden ?






Prof. Dr. Fritz Neumark
Üniversite – Hukuk Fakültesi

German Consulate General
-KB 329/38-

Istanbul, 30 May 1938.

At the request of the Foreign Office, you are requested to complete the questionnaire you filled out at the time according to the following points:

1) Date of commencement of the treaty:


2) Are you Aryan or not ?


3) Are you of non-Aryan descent?


4) Is your wife Aryan or non-Aryan?


5) Is your wife of non-Aryan descent?


6) Have you been retired in connection with the Law for the Restoration of the Professional Civil Service ?



By order of [SIGNATURE]




Prof. Dr. Fritz Neumark
Üniversite – Hukuk Fakültesi

Fritz Neumark was a well-known financial scientist at the Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences at the University of Frankfurt.  Due to his Jewish origin, he was deprived of his teaching position by the Law on the Restoration of the Professional Civil Service on 1 September and emigrated to Turkey. He became a professor at the University of Istanbul. In 1952, he returned to the University of Frankfurt am Main as a professor.

The letter to Fritz Neumark from the National Socialist German Consulate General in Istanbul © Deutsche Nationalbibliothek, Deutsches Exilarchiv 1933-1945, Frankfurt am Main, Reproduction from the Neumark Collection, EB 91/155 II.A.006.