The ERC project METROMOD focuses on six metropolitan destinations for refugee European artists between 1900 and 1950.
The ERC project METROMOD focuses on six metropolitan destinations for refugee European artists between 1900 and 1950.
The Refugees in Towns research project draws on the perspectives of refugees and local hosts to develop case studies of the towns in which…
The Documentation Center for Displacement, Expulsion, Reconciliation and We Refugees Archive cooperate in educational and archival work and through joint events.
The German Historical Museum in Berlin cooperates with the We Refugees Archive on topics of migration and flight during the Nazi era and today.
The Memorial and Educational Site at the historical House of the Wannsee Conference tells the history of Nazi Germany, the Holocaust and its consequences.
The Exilmuseum tells the life stories of people who went into exile between 1933 and 1945.
The Anne Frank Educational Center is an education and counseling center located in Frankfurt, Germany.
The Berlin Institute of Islamic Studies and We Refugees Archive cooperate in the seminar “Refugee Narratives in the Light of Border Regime Research”.
“Migrants of the Mediterranean uses Humanitarian Storytelling to present the experience of the individual migrant’s journey, from country of origin to Europe.”
The Leo Baeck Institute is a research library and a digitized archive specializing in the history of German-speaking Jewry.
The Vilna Gaon Museum of Jewish History is an institution dedicated to the culture and tradition of Lithuanian Jewry.
The Archivio delle Memorie Migranti (Archive of Migrant Memories) collects and produces self-testimonies, interviews and films with refugees.
The Arolsen Archives is an international research center with the world’s most comprehensive archive on the victims and survivors of National Socialism.
Action Reconciliation Service for Peace organizes short and long term volunteer services in 13 countries in Europe, Israel, and the US.
The educational provider KIgA e.V. develops innovative concepts for the pedagogical involvement with anti-semitism and other forms of discrimination in the migration society.
The POLIN Museum of the History of Polish Jews curates analogeand digital exhibitions and runs an educational and scientific center.
The Wiener Holocaust Library, named after Alfred Wiener, is an institution for research on the Holocaust and other genocides based in London.
Lost Shtetl is a Lithuanian-Jewish cultural and heritage project.
Aktives Museum, Fascism and Resistance in Berlin develops different, participative formats of exhibitions, publications and events to encourage dealing with the National Socialist past.
The German Exile Archive 1933-1945 is a place of debate on the topics of exile and emigration during the National Socialist era.
Arts in Exile is a networking project and a virtual exhibition which looks at the arts under the conditions of exile.
The Centre for Research in Anthropology (CRIA) is the main Portuguese research centre in Anthropology, also dealing with migration dynamics in the Potrugese society.
‘ANTIGONE – Centre on Information and Documentation on Racism, Ecology, Peace and Non-Violence’ is Greek NGO active in the human rights and ecology field.
Warscapes is an independent online magazine that provides insights into current conflicts and helps to understand complex political crises in different regions.
Giocherenda is a professional organisation of and with young refugees in Palermo (Italy), which offers political education, such as storytelling games.
Weiter Schreiben is a portal for literature from war and crisis zones which offers space for the literature of refugee artists and for encounters.
Kohero (Esperanto for “cohesion”) is a print and online magazine founded and led by refugees in Hamburg.
KulturTÜR is a multi-lingual Berlin journal made by, for and with refugees and their neighbours.
Together with the We Refugees Archive the Evangelische Akademie zu Berlin hold the event “Experiences of Flight in Past and Present” in May 2020.
“Shalom Aleikum” is a project by the Central Council of Jews in Germany, in which Jews and Muslims across generations enter into dialogue.
Learning from History is a platform and monthly online magazine specifically addressed to educators with a focus on German history since the National Socialism.
The scientific observatory for migration (Osservatorio Migrazioni) analyzes migration phenomena in Sicily. It carries out analysis, research and documentation activities.
The Maison de la culture yiddish – Medem bibliothèque is a cultural institution for the preservation and promotion of Yiddish culture in Europe.
The migration-audio-archive is a growing collection of Oral History on migration in German language.
The Yiddish Book Center is a cultural institution dedicated to the preservation and promotion of Yiddish culture.
DOMiD, the documentation centre and museum about migration in Germany, collects, preserves and exhibits migration stories and testimonies of the immigration society.
The London-based Living Refugees Archive collects multi-media material and Oral History on the history and experiences of flight and forced migration.
I am a Migrant is a participatory online platform, on which migrants and refugees can share their stories under #iamamigrant and #iamarefugee.
The Virtual Migration Museum illustrates the topic of migration in virtual space through urban space, various topical and transhistorical approaches.
The scientific observatory for migration analyses migration phenomena in Sicily. It carries out analysis, research and documentation activities.
RomArchive, the digital archive of the Sinti and Roma, makes their arts and cultures and their contributions to the European cultural history visible.